What Does This Program Provide?
- Live tutor support online after school
- Difficult homework and academic concepts are reviewed with skilled educators
How Can You Participate?
What Resources Do We Use?
Daily online tutoring through: www.tutor.com
What is Tutor.com?
Tutor.com to provides live, on-line tutors to supplement their on-line lesson plans. Tutor.com was founded in 1998 to leverage the power of the Internet to connect people for one-to-one instruction in any subject, anywhere, anytime. They are fulfilling that vision by connecting thousands of students, families and business professionals to expert tutors, teachers, or professional librarians in customized online environments.
Customers receive the one-to-one help they need to perform better in school and at work, and find the information they need. Tutor.com makes organization’s services come alive with real-time connections to real experts with easy to use software and convenient on-demand services.
Tutor.com is the leading provider of one-to-one learning and information services. Using innovative technology, Tutor.com’s suite of services allows students of all ages and seekers of information to connect for one-to-one real-time help from professional subject experts and librarians. They support these highly personalized services with superior training, tracking and reporting features, marketing assistance, and 24/7-customer support. Tutor.com solutions raise the profiles of clients and offer them a cost-effective way to reach a maximum number of families, students and customers.
The flagship service was introduced in 2001 and is now offered at over 600 locations across the country and internationally. These innovative after-school programs, Live Homework Help and Live Homework Help en Espanolprovide access to hundreds of expert tutors, seven days a week for one-to-one help in math, science, social studies and English via the Internet. Tutor.com provides complete service and support, from technology setup and staff training to quarterly promotional materials, monthly reports and 24/7 customer service. Over 30,000 sessions are completed monthly.
Tutor.com works with hundreds of expert tutors, librarians and reference professionals to bring clients high-quality, one-to-one services every day. Their tutors are certified teachers, college professors, and professionals with college degrees in the subjects they teach. Each tutor completes the rigorous Tutor.com Certification Program and every tutor is fully background checked by Kroll Background America. Tutor.com reference providers also complete the most comprehensive training program available to serve libraries and their customers when needed. Mentor programs ensure quality and offer career paths for their best professionals.
Tutor.com serves over 4,600 public, academic, military and special libraries across the country and internationally as well as educational organizations including K-12 public and virtual schools, Boys & Girls Clubs and other community centers. Clients that offer both Live Homework Help and Virtual Reference Services include the CLEVNET consortium of 31 library systems in 9 counties throughout Northern Ohio; Q and A NJ, a service of the New Jersey Library Network; the King County Library System in Washington; and Multnomah County Library in Oregon.
The program offered by Extralearning.org and Tutor.com is a supplemental service to the instruction
provided by your education professionals, who are well acquainted with your students,
their parents, and the communities within which they are employed.
Join US

Serve as a mentor. We have opportunities for you to volunteer not only on our summer programs but also throughout the year.

Help us continue our mission to improve the Attitude, Attendance, and Achievement in rising high school students in order to increase the size of the qualified applicant pool for college and jobs and to become good American citizens.

Reach for Tomorrow always welcomes opportunities for additional partnerships with existing academic and after/out-of-school programs.
Reach For Tomorrow Inc.
13888 Lewis Mill Way,
Chantilly, VA 20151
Tel: (703) 818-1425
Fax: (703) 266-5389